Monday, November 15, 2010

It makes all the difference...

"Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be people perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing." (James 1:2-4) Over the years I'm sure I've read or heard these words from James thousands of times. Often in moments of desperation and distress, anguish, frustration and fear, it is these words that I've clung to. I've come to understand that there are circumstances-sometimes hellish, incomprehensible circumstances- that we may go through and no amount of human explanation as to "why" is sufficient to ease the grief of heart we experience. I've also come to know God. I know Him intimately and He knows me. I know His character, His ways and His will. I may not know Him fully, but a day doesn't pass that I don't grow to know Him increasingly more. He is committed to revealing Himself to me as I seek to know Him. As I've come to know Him, I've come to understand His heart and that He does nothing without purpose. Nothing. I may not perceive His reasons behind certain circumstances, I may not agree with His will or like it, BUT having chosen Him, I've given up the right to rule and reign over my life. Surrendering to His will and what He allows is submitting to the whole plan, not just the parts I want to.

I'm certain we've all been tempted to wish away gut-wrenching seasons and painful struggles...we're human! Yet, it is those very life-altering moments that God can use to shape and refine us. I love how James wastes no time in his letter getting to the point, pulling no punches. In the face of adversity we need someone to tell us such soul-anchoring truth. Jesus Himself told us, "In this world you'll have trouble....BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) James didn't deny the reality of trials for the believer, Jesus didn't make any promises of a life unscathed, but neither did they leave us without hope. The God-breathed words they shared whisper "Hope!" into moments of silent agony and shout "Peace!" into chaotic frenzy.

In my own version of James chapter one I've often had to firmly remind myself with similar words, "Look you're going to go through stuff that you'll feel you can't possibly survive. Think of it as an OPPORTUNITY and chose to be joyful. There's a lot of purpose in it. God has His reasons-reasons He may or may not reveal to you-trust Him! Instead of wasting your time asking "why God?", use your energy to keep yourself stable and fixed in Him and submit to all He wants to do in you and through you in this hardship. It won't be easy so don't be surprised by how weak you may feel at times. In your weakness don't sin and don't allow yourself to give up. Remember it is in your weakness that His strength is made perfect. Hold onto hope and press through. If you can hold on in this way, I promise you that eventually you'll be stronger, healthier, and more alive than ever before. Your faith will increase...and the greatest truth is that you'll know Him more after you pass through this than you did before. If this is the road to maturity and growth and lacking nothing, stay on it and walk with courage. He's for you and He refuses to fail you, what more could you ask for? You're going to look back one day and hardly recognize the person you were before you weathered this storm. The choice of joy changes it doesn't usually change the circumstances, but it changes how you react and respond to them and I promise you it makes all the difference..."

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