Saturday, July 15, 2017


Sitting in the scorching sun of North Beach today, I flipped to one of my favorite chapters of the book of Psalm and read, "how precious and weighty are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I could count them, they would be more in number than the sand." (Psalm 139:17 & 18).

As I sat there with my toes literally buried in sand, I tried to grasp the enormity of that concept. Like David, who marveled at the immeasurableness of God's thoughts towards us, I sat there in awe of such extravagant love. Staring down at the tiny grains of sand surrounding me for miles, those words, "IF I could count them", became so real.

When you're sitting on a beach, you begin to realize what a ridiculously futile attempt it would be to try to count even the smallest handful of sand. I then began to think to myself, "and this is only just one beach in a world full of beaches", and yet, God's thoughts towards me are infinitely MORE than their sum???

So as I hopped back into my car and began to internally grumble about all the sand in my car, on my drinking straw, and somehow in my wallet, I caught myself and decidedly thought, "what a beautiful reminder of The Creator's mindfulness towards us. We are never forgotten, never ever merely an afterthought, and always on His mind."

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