Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Guard the Drain!!!

Washing dishes today, my spirit was suddenly flooded with a picture I knew was for a beloved friend, but quickly realized what a great lesson for us all.

I saw an over-flowing  bathtub and a hand then reaching in to pull the plug and empty the water.  It was a slow but steady leaking out at first, but then soon, as quickly as the water was being poured in it was being sucked down and out the tiny drain.

God began to show me that we are those tubs, He is the Ever-Flowing Fountain pouring in His presence, His life, His provisions and blessings, His strength, His peace, His love...
This hand of the enemy came subtly and swiftly, often undetected at first, reaching in to drain us of all the goodness of God that surrounds us, leaving us sapped and drained of all that is meant to sustain us.

What God is constantly and lovingly pouring into us is ours to receive and soak in.   In his sneaky and intrusive schemes, satan comes to steal, kill, destroy.  Be alert!  Don't fall asleep in the tub!  The Lord has come to give us life and life abundantly, to saturate us in all His fullness, and then to let that life spill over and onto all those in our bone-weary and dehydrated worlds.

Soak the entirety of your being in the over-flowing goodness of God today--get good and wrinkly in it!!!  And then refuse to allow the enemy of your soul to pull the plug.  Don't let your peace go down the drain!  Don't watch your health, finances, hope, faith, strength, and life spiral down and out of your tub!  Immerse yourself in the cleansing, invigorating, and revitalizing waters and then whatever you do, guard the drain! 

(Psalm 36:9- "For You, Oh Lord, are The Fountain of Life!")

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