I am a self-confessed lover of "to do" lists. I love everything about them, maybe too much. I enjoy the calculated thought process almost as much as I enjoy the actual act of putting pen to crisp paper, but I love nothing greater about them than the feeling of drawing a line of completion through each individual task. Anyone who can relate is sure to have a great number of notepads and Post-Its nearby, as well as plenty of pens always handy. List writing is a continual,rotating process as there is always a non-stop flow of things to do and things done, but a hardcore list-maker finds this productive not frustrating.
Driving to a meeting Monday morning, I began to mentally make one such list for the week ahead. Midway through my thought process, I was interrupted by a Holy Spirit thought..."what if you began today not with your "to do" list but a "to BE" list. As I allowed this word to settle in my spirit, something in me was stirred to respond, "Today, I plan to BE...selfless, loving, generous, peaceful, joyful, life-giving, content, inspiring, obedient, attentive and responsive to the voice of God, and on, and on, and on...
Because of this brief Monday morning encounter,my days this week have started and ended differently . And although I will forever be a maker of "to do" lists,writing them will no longer be #1 on that list,for as we're often reminded, we are human BEINGS before we are human DOINGS. So,that said,what's on your "to BE" list??? Selah...
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