Saturday, June 16, 2012

Wake up and live...

   Recently the Lord has unearthed a long-buried dream in my heart. Despite having "died" to this desire a few years back, God has made it crystal clear that the resurrection of this hope (that I had begun denying even existed) is in fact the work of His hands. He has awakened this lifeless dream and has done nothing short of reviving and unleashing this dreamer.
   It is in this "divine awakeness" that I have learned a thing or two about guarding these dreams,these treasured "yet-to-be" destined moments of God, as well as protecting the vulnerably hopeful dreamer.

1.Allow yourself to be excited!
Give yourself permission to be unapologetically and unashamedly excited! There is enough in this world that, by design of the enemy, steals our enthusiasm and unabashed joy. If God stirs and awakens a dream- NO MATTER HOW SEEMINGLY ABSURD-permit yourself to experience the bubbling anticipation that comes along with it.   

2. Find yourself some "Dream-Breathers".
"Dream-Breathers" are those who are proven trustworthy and love you in such a way that they are committed to seeing you have and enjoy the abundant life God has planned for you. "Dream-Breathers" hear the often irrationally sounding God-desires of your heart and come alongside you in a way that communicates, "your dreams are sacred and safe with me. I see that too, I agree, I will walk with you into the fruition of that destiny."

"Dream-Breathers" are a rarity to be treasured--their words, their prayers, their confirmations and affirmations all cheer you on and release the life-breath of God into the fertilizing atmosphere of faith that surrounds you and your fragile dream seeds. If you identify "Dream-Breathers" in your world, position yourself closer in humility and transparency, share and keep sharing the precious dreams of your heart, invite them into your expectancy and allow them to celebrate the awakening with you.

3. Hold tight to the joyful expectations no matter what comes along!!!
The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy and his blood-thirstiness can easily sniff out a newly awakened dream or dreamer.  Be aware and alert and vigilant.  REFUSE to forfeit your God-given excitement, joy, and expectancy at all costs!  These are more than merely "nice" emotions, these are the power-infused components of faith that escort a dream from the "yet-to-be" place to divine fulfillment.  Again, giving yourself permission to be unapologetically and unashamedly excited about the stirring hand of God is crucial to the well-being of  both the dream and the dreamer.  Therefore, hold tight and don't let go of your joyful expectations.

    While it is true that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, the rivaling and far more powerful promise of God is this- that He has come that we may have and enjoy an abundant life!

Experiencing the abundant life happens when you wake up and begin to dream again. There is a fog that lifts, a clarity, and an unrivaled excitement-the kind that keeps you on the edge of your seat holding your breath,every inch of your being poised with expectancy. You function at a newly-found and heightened sense of awareness that something life-altering and mind-blowing is "just around the corner". Butterflies in the pit of your stomach keep you alert and vigilant, looking and listening intently for any sign of movement. You are awake and alive in the truest ways.  And if you pause just long enough perhaps you'll hear the words I heard, "Beloved, wake up and live!"