Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I let You...

While making toast (and minding my own business, I might add) The Holy Spirit gave me some insight and truth about myself to swallow along with my breakfast. "You realize that you always ask for endurance before you ask for healing? For many reasons, you expect pain to linger MORE THAN you expect healing to come. You take pride in gritting it out and in your strength in the struggle. You still despise your weakness and I find it the perfect place in which to display My strength-if you let Me." Wow and ouch all at the same time. Only the Word of God has the power to cut you like that and get right to the heart of a matter.

Now, I must backup a bit and say that for the past few days I have been somewhat immobilized by back pain, but I also know that God was addressing far more than my temporary physical pain. I also knew there wasn't a whole lot to say to this except for, "guilty". The truth is, for "many reasons" just like He said, I have somehow come to expect pain to linger more than I expect healing to come. It isn't that I don't ask for and expect healing, I certainly do. And it's not as if I don't want it, because I do. I have, however, mistakenly learned to prepare (first) for the worse. I have violently assaulted my faith and insulted my God with my plans to just endure and tolerate pain. I have become too familiar and jaded with the "reality" of the natural and have allowed it to override the truth of the supernatural.

I am not ignorantly suggesting that life with Christ is all rainbows and roses. Jesus Himself said that in this world we would have many trials, but He also challenged us to be of good cheer, filled with courage and abounding in confidence because He has overcome the world! God doesn't merely possess some healing power, He is supremely Healer. He is MY Healer and He is YOUR Healer to be exact. And the reality of present circumstances in no way negates the truth of who God is.

Pain comes, of course. Endurance is necessary, for sure. Faith doesn't deny the existence of circumstances but believes something better exists beyond what is currently evident. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen." Heb 11:1 The Amplified Bible says this; "being the proof of things we do not see and the conviction of their reality." To have faith, as I was reminded this morning, is believing God first. And it is far more than just believing God can, it is believing He wants to and He will.

"God You are right to say I that find a certain pride in toughing my way through things in my own strength. I despise my weakness and instead of inviting You into it, I foolishly struggle to prove to myself and to You that it doesn't exist. Let Your strength be made perfect in all my many areas of weakness. I resist my resistance to You once again. Help me. Heal me. I let You..."

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wonder Woman...

I've never seen myself as brave and courageous. I can remember watching Lynda Carter play Wonder Woman (yes I'm that old) and thinking she was the epitome of fearless. She was a true heroine. I watched her tackle her adversaries with confidence and capability, and daydreamed of one day being so gutsy. There was no retreat in her, no shrinking back when situations seemed too perilous or uncomfortable. She moved with grace and dignity and she was sure of who she was. She was Wonder Woman and she knew it.

Like I said, I never saw myself as having any bit of boldness or valor. When I encounter something that threatens my comfort and peace, my natural instincts are to cower in the corner or to turn and run away. Fortunately for me, like the super hero I've long admired, I too have secret super powers. The divine power I speak of takes this average, ordinary coward and transforms her daily into a strong, valiant, virtuous and effectual Woman of God-that itself is a miracle, a marvel and a wonder! The power of God infuses me with inner strength, breathes courage into my timid soul, and allows me to stand victoriously face-to-face with my greatest fears. "For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, cowardice, cringing, or fawning fear. But He has given us a Spirit of power, love, and a calm and sound mind."(2 Tim 1:7Amp)

Lisa Bevere says, "God loves to make you face what you fear because when you do you become fearless." This is the truth that is now bringing greater levels of freedom in my life. Because of the power and grace of God I have recently faced-off with some of my greatest fears. I have stood eye-to-eye with the painful realities of my past that I had been too afraid and ashamed of to acknowledge. I have brought the ugly, eroding secrets out from their hiding places and have exposed them to His marvelous Light! And I have come to realize that, "what you fear most has no power. It is your fear of it that has the real power. And facing the truth really is what will set you free."

I may not have a fancy outfit displaying and declaring my super-human abilities, a magic lasso, or bullet-proof bracelets, but I am well equipped ... "the Belt of Truth around my waist, the Breastplate of Righteousness in place, feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the Gospel of peace, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit."(Eph. 6:14-17) And, "I am able to do all things through Christ who gives me strength."(Phil. 4:13) This is not some "nice" Sunday School verse, this is the reality of life in Christ. I will continue to face my foes and my fears because God "always causes us to triumph in Christ!"(2 Cor. 2:14) And I will heed the wise words that Queen Hippolyta spoke to her daughter, "Go in peace, my daughter, and remember that, in a world of ordinary mortals, you are a Wonder Woman..."

Saturday, February 5, 2011

He cares...

Waking up to a barrage of anxious thoughts is no way to start a Saturday, or any day for that matter. Reluctantly, I got up, stumbled through my apartment assessing the chores I should do, assembled my mental "to-do" list, and...yup, hopped back in bed. As I labored in vain effort to go back to sleep, the seemingly multiple millions of thoughts were now synchronize-swimming in my head and forcing me back out of bed. As I sat up, these words filled my heart, "do not let cares get the best of you today." Responsively, I turned to the familiar words of Scripture that have long anchored my soul and once again today they were fresh, vibrant, and life-giving manna. "Look at the birds, free and unfettered...CARELESS in the care of God. And you count far more to Him than birds." (Mt. 6:26 Msg) "Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and He cares for you watchfully."(1 Pet. 5:7 Amp)

Cares will, no doubt, get the best of us when we forfeit to them what is best in us (our peace, faith, joy and life.) To be free and unfettered is to be loosed and unchained from the things that weigh us down. In our humanity we gravitate towards a mental approach to worries which is futile and frustrating and causing us so much stress we make ourselves sick. God alone is our Problem Solver. His name is Burden-Bearer. He is our CareTAKER. It is our choice to let God take care of us and it is also our choice to let God take cares from us- so when He instructs us to cast our cares, we ought to cast them. When He says release and let them go, we need to challenge our resistant gripping.

To be unshackled from care is a crucial element to a healthy walk with God. It is our responsibility to live unhindered by the circumstances of life. But even more than mere choice and responsibility, such freedom is our privilege and inheritance as children of God! What a joy floods my soul when the truth of this truth resonates in my heart. We get to be free! Stop for a moment and chew on this truth. We get to be free! We get to hurl our daily trash bags of garbage at His feet, willingly, cheerfully and repeatedly. This is good news. This is what it means to be free and unfettered! It isn't that being free from cares is the complete absence of issues, but it's acknowledging the total and sufficient presence of God. "For where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty, emancipation from bondage, and freedom."(2 Cor. 3:17 Amp) Today, I will fling ALL of my cares on Him because He told me too, because He is abundantly able and never too busy for me, and because He cares...affectionately and watchfully, He cares...